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Our Trustees

Andrew Thompson

Parent and Chair of Trustees

Hi I am Gill Morton, Chair of Trustees.  I have two daughters who have progressed through Gateshead Education system, one of whom has attended Cedars since nursery, went through to Cedars 6th Form and now progressed into employment.


My working background is financial, I worked for Lloyds TSB Banking group for almost 20 years.


I became a governor at Cedars over 15 years ago and became Chair of Trsuteesin September 2015. I wanted to become a governor as I believe in the philosophy of Cedars in giving every child the best educational experience possible and if I could I wanted to help this happen.


I sit on the following committees: Finance and Staffing (Chair); Curriculum & Pupils; Pupil Discipline; Head Teacher Appraisal; Business & Partnership Development Group.


I am linked to Communication Improvement Team. I am also link trustee to Leadership & Management, Quality of Education, Post 16 Provision and Business & Partnership Development on the Academy Development Plan. 

Gordon Neale OBE

Vice Chair of Trustees

Hi, I am Gordon Neale OBE, Vice Chair of Trustees.


I served 26 years in the Army followed by 28 years with Disability Sport England as their CEO. I was awarded OBE in 2002 for outstanding contribution to disabled sport.


I was an Olympic Torch carrier and commentator at the Paralympics in 2012. 


Taking on the role of Trustee seemed a natural progression having been in contact with the Cedars sports teams that attended competitions run by my old organisation, so I had virtually grown up with the students before moving north and marrying Liz Neale in 2000.


Now retired I spend my free time as a Trustee of Cedars Academy & Sports College and helping with grandchildren.


I believe my knowledge and experience will add to the team and I aim to help provide a secure pathway for pupils and staff.


I sit on the following committees: Chair of Curriculum & Pupils; Finance & Staffing; Head Teacher Appraisal; Chair of Business & Partnership Development Group. 


I am link trustee to Understanding the World Improvement Team and Leadership & Management and Post 16 Provision on the Academy Development Plan.

Naomi Kelly

Parent Trustee

I have two sons at Cedars Academy. Because of my own journey with my boys, getting it right for children with special educational needs means a lot to me.


When we began looking at specialist provision, I felt that Cedars offered something special. I am a strong believer in the ‘Fit for Life’ philosophy, and also fell strongly that every child is unique and learns differently.


I have been a nurse in the NHS for over thirty years and currently work part time as a matron.  I love my job and I am passionate about providing safe care to patients. I feel privileged to be able to support our staff to deliver the quality care that patients deserve. In the same way, I believe it a privilege to be able to support Cedars as a Trustee to get it right for our children.


I have particular knowledge around autistic spectrum disorder and have valuable personal experience of providing support to both children and adults with ASD.


I sit on the Curriculum & Pupils and First committee (Complaints, Exclusions etc.) Committees. I am link trustee to Creativity Academy Development Team.

Paul Hills

Parent Trustee

Hi, I am Paul Hills. Having watched my son develop at Cedars for 7 years I am keen to give back and support the Academy. I genuinely care about Cedars and the delivery of excellent education and development of social skills for our young people.


I have been Civil Servant for over 30 years and work as an upper middle manager.


I sit on the Finance and Staffing and Premises, Health & Safety Committees.


I am link trustee to Understanding the World Academy Development Team, GDPR and Quality of Education on the Academy Development Plan.

Pam Finn

Member Appointed

​I have been a Member Appointed Trustee since 2019.


I sit on the committees for Curriculum & Pupils and Finance & Staffing. I am link trustee to Physical, Emotional and Social Wellbeing Development Team, Safeguarding and Personal Development on the Academy Development Plan. 

Martin Flowers

Chief Executive of Academy

Hello, I am Martin Flowers. I have been teaching at Cedars for since 1995. Before that I taught abroad in international schools in Moscow and Norway; prior to that my first teaching post was at a Northumberland high school.


My focus is providing a structure and the opportunities to enable our staff to create a highly individualised, responsive, caring, supportive but challenging environment. The promotion of independence, resilience, emotional literacy, self-esteem, physical & mental health are at the heart of all we do at Cedars.


I sit on the following trustee sub-committees: Curriculum & Pupils; Premises, Health & Safety; Finance & Staffing; and Business & Partnership Development Group.


I firmly believe that through partnerships the impact Cedars can make is made stronger. I am Trustee of a number of our partner organisations, including 'Kestrels', 'be inspired to...',  'Re:SEND' and 'SEN Support'.


Joe MacCabe

Staff Representative

Hi, I am Joe MacCabe. I began working at Cedars Academy in March 2014.


I have spent much of my career as an actor and drama facilitator, working in schools across the UK devising and delivering workshops based around pertinent issues such as self-esteem, bullying and knife crime.


In my role as Performing Arts Lead at Cedars, I have been able to draw upon my own personal experiences to teach students new skills as well as help build their confidence through performance. 


I was delighted to be appointed as staff representative on the Board of Trustees  in September 2014 as I committed to ensuring each individual child reaches their full potential.


I sit on the Curriculum & Pupils Committee and I am link trustee to Numeracy Improvement Team and Quality of Education on the Academy Development Plan.


Rachel Lane

Staff Representative

Hi, I am Rachel Lane. I work as a Higher Level Teaching Assistant in the School. I began working at Cedars Academy in March 2014.


I was delighted to be appointed as staff representative on the board of Trustees in September 2018 as I committed to ensuring each individual child reaches their full potential.


I sit on the Academy Curriculum & Pupils Committee and I am link trustee to Communication Development Team and Quality of Education on the Academy Development Plan.


The Cedars Academy Trust
Ivy Lane, Low Fell, Gateshead, Tyne And Wear, NE9 6QD.
0191 487 4595

Registered in England & Wales

Company No. 08168042


Chair of Trustees: Mr Andrew Thompson

Headteacher/Principals: Mrs M O'Reilly, Mrs J Vincent, Mr K Vincent







School - 0191 487 4595

College - 0191 691 3581

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