We believe...
....that COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT provides opportunities and that partners and communities working together can radically TRANSFORM THE FUTURES of young people.
We believe that the NEEDS and ASPIRATIONS of disabled people should be at the HEART OF OUR WORK.
Our Aim
The Trusts aim is to drive forward the INCLUSION AND EQUALITY AGENDA and lead to development of the Trust’s role as a HUB, a resource for wider SEN provision in Gateshead, a CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE and, primarily, a provider of LEARNING, TRAINING & EMPLOYMENT PATHWAYS for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
“By sharing our vision of the future we aim to demonstrate the need for more, and better, personalised services.....”

About Us

We believe that partnership development offers SUPPORT and DIVERSITY, attracts more and different FUNDING, improves SERVICE DELIVERY, enhances OPPORTUNITY allows CREATIVITY and allows RESOURCES to be shared.
Our Trust Status ensures a SUSTAINABLE, LONG-TERM COMMITMENT between people and organisations that have a vested interest in young people and in their education, training and employment.
Our Targets
Our key target is to ensure more people and organisations are AWARE OF US, UNDERSTAND US and can ACCESS OUR SERVICES.
We actively seek opportunities for individuals, groups and businesses to get involved in our work and support us in our aims. Please go to our website area for more details....